Monday, January 1, 2007

when the lights go out....

from december.... the phone is out at the moment as well as our power and we don't get cell coverage at the farm so you pretty much can't reach us : ) you can send me and e-mail but I only check that when I drive into town and plug in at the cafe... country living is something : )

You may have heard we had some big storms and I'm learning that when there are only 5 houses in your canyon the other 4 have generators for a reason!!!... and you know you live out there when the power goes out Thursday and the power company tells you "maybe" the following tuesday or wednsday!!! yipes... and when you have a well and the power goes out that means water too!!!. so I got up this morning as Brian needed some extra sleep due to some rodents in the wall keeping him up last night... the wood stove had gone out over night temp was almost the same out side as it was inside... so since I needed kindling to re-start things I got out the maul and chopped up about 4 logs, that's all my shins could muster the learning curve is steep on splitting wood when you have a cold house) then I hiked up the hill to the spring and filled up three 5 gallon buckets of water for the toilets and the horse... then I ground some coffee with a hammer and put the percolator on the wood stove for the morning brew at this point I had spent about 2 hours trying to turn on the heat and make coffee and I had to get to beverton where jospeh has offered me power to get some much needed computer time and a much needed shower : ) (the sponge bath standing in front of the wood stove just doesn't cut it) so we are having fun and loving the wackiness... but I do hope the power comes back before all the fiends and family come for Christmas... michael, joseph and chi ... no worries if we don't have power by the time you come when you are done chopping wood and hauling water you don't seems to mind the cold and dark... : ) (I thinks we'll get a generator if we don't get power by thursday...) love to all and remember to cherish a cup of joe and a hot shower... 26851 NW Williams Canyon Road Gaston OR 97119 503.662.3048 xoxoxoxo

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