It has been a super weekend! - All day Saturday I was at Dunaes house working the boys to get them ready for plowing next weekend! They defiantly got a work out! This is them post plow defiantly done for the day .. Thank you Daune as always for the coaching and friendship!
If you don't have plans to do so do come out to the plowing competition in McMinnville!! it will be loads of fun!
Yamhill Valley Heritage Center 11275 SW Durham Lane, McMinnville, Oregon
(Intersection of Highway 18 & Durham Lane)
April 14, 2012
10 am—4 pm
Largest Gathering of Draft Horses & Mules in Oregon to compete in plowing competition
$3 per person — Kids 12 & under FREE

In other news we got a new (old) piece of equipment for the farm ...It's new 'new idea' manure spreader - but this concept is not so new .. this brings us one step closer to really utalizing the horses benifits! Now not only will there compost be on the garden we will be spreading any extra on the fields for more fertilization - the hope is this can be pulled by the tractor as well as horse power it's a larger size but I'm hoping the boys can muscle it - that should pretty well ingratiate them to Brian completely! : ) .. more on that as we start fillin' her up with poo!

I finally got the third hive set up that Laura made!

I'm excited and hopeful that we can have some bees either move in or catch a swarm... which will swell the ranks to three hives!!... Our first hive died off this winter but as luck and good fortune would have it this past weekend another swarm decided they liked that hive just fine and moved in... so we seem to be back up and running with two hives - hopefully the fruit trees will get going soon so those little girls can get some food!

Easter was a nice day went to our friend tessa place and saw this cuteness! : )

defiantly got a workout. Huston especially from what I heard.
love you gal
nice poo speader.. colettey
Yeah, poo spreader brings back some real memories! LOVE Defiantly instead of definitely! Much better word - e'en if it was a typo....BEST OF LUCK THIS WEEKEND HORSE WOMAN! They're gonna make you proud!
Yeah, that manure spreader sure does carry me back.
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