My nephew Zander has been at the farm working for a few weeks now and has done more than his share of weedwacking... we're eagerly anticipating the Outstanding in the Field meal this Saturday.. I'm pretty sure ticket sales are closed ... It's going to be a very special meal you know I'll be posting lots of photos!!

A neighbor farmer is cutting our hay this year we cut this past weekend hoping to hay monday but sadly got some rain so now we may be bucking just before the event... we'll see that's farming for you... maybe we should make that part of the farm tour - go out and pick up a bale! now that's an authentic experience! : )

And last but not least I FINALLY got over to duane's for a long over due visit with him and got to the drive team he's got over there right now for some training... they are belgin halfinger crosses and I must say it felt like cheating on my boys!

This is Kate and she's hummer in a larger and female form ... I'm in LOVE!!!

To those coming this weekend we can't wait to see you ... happy summer!!
Go Zander! Hope you're havin' a grand time!
Can't wait for the dinner on Saturday. Can we get a peek at the chicks on the farm tour? Definitely going with the sturdy goes in lieu of cute!
So looking forward to coming to dinner on Saturday night! Definitely leaving the cute shoes at home and going with sturdy ones. Can we get a peek at the chicks during the tour?
Sensible shoes are a very good idea!!! : ) and the chicks will be on the walkabout for sure... too cute to leave out! : )
Wow Kate sure is Strrrrrong! I'll bet that was a real blast Clare! Can't wait to see pics of the big event! So HAPPPY for you Clare - you & B have the midas touch! Bee
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