Monday, October 20, 2008

Michael Polland's letter to our next president -

Michael Polland just was interviewed on Fresh air! it was a great interview!


It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food. Food policy is not something American presidents have had to give much thought to, at least since the Nixon administration — the last time high food prices presented a serious political peril. Since then, federal policies to promote maximum production of the commodity crops (corn, soybeans, wheat and rice) from which most of our supermarket foods are derived have succeeded impressively in keeping prices low and food more or less off the national political agenda. But with a suddenness that has taken us all by surprise, the era of cheap and abundant food appears to be drawing to a close. What this means is that you, like so many other leaders through history, will find yourself confronting the fact — so easy to overlook these past few years — that the health of a nation’s food system is a critical issue of national security. Food is about to demand your attention.


I LOVE his idea of the white house lawn being re-planted into a victory garden and to have the president pulling weeds occasionally! sure a white house farmer too!! I LOVE THIS - this is the BEST idea I've heard ALL year...

I'm voicing our farms support of a presidential garden!


I don’t need to tell you that ripping out even a section of the White House lawn will be controversial: Americans love their lawns, and the South Lawn is one of the most beautiful in the country. But imagine all the energy, water and petrochemicals it takes to make it that way. (Even for the purposes of this memo, the White House would not disclose its lawn-care regimen.) Yet as deeply as Americans feel about their lawns, the agrarian ideal runs deeper still, and making this particular plot of American land productive, especially if the First Family gets out there and pulls weeds now and again, will provide an image even more stirring than that of a pretty lawn: the image of stewardship of the land, of self-reliance and of making the most of local sunlight to feed one’s family and community. The fact that surplus produce from the South Lawn Victory Garden (and there will be literally tons of it) will be offered to regional food banks will make its own eloquent statement.

for the full article -

a sun-food agenda promises to win support across the aisle. It builds on America’s agrarian past, but turns it toward a more sustainable, sophisticated future. It honors the work of American farmers and enlists them in three of the 21st century’s most urgent errands: to move into the post-oil era, to improve the health of the American people and to mitigate climate change. Indeed, it enlists all of us in this great cause by turning food consumers into part-time producers, reconnecting the American people with the American land and demonstrating that we need not choose between the welfare of our families and the health of the environment — that eating less oil and more sunlight will redound to the benefit of both.


This is all really important to our nations 'health' enjoy this read and eat local!

Big Love from Big Table farm!


Elizabeth B Merriman said...

I am a BIG fan of Michael Polland who lives here in Marin. I love his simple 7 word credo on the cover of his book, In Defense of Food.
"Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants"
I love the way you care for your farm animals. If I were to eat any animal products, I would want them raised like you and Brian are doing.

Anonymous said...

He came to UVM!!!! Here is a link for his talk. He is amazing!!!!! Virginia

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this, Clare. Yes, a garden instead of a lawn is such a great idea! We know that Alice Waters will be on his case, too - she nagged Bill Clinton a lot about planting a garden, and using the food produced organically there to drive the WH menu. Now that's what HOPE is all about!
- Lois