Sunday, March 25, 2007

moving water tanks and goats

this photo should give an idea of scale of a 10,000 gallon tank ... it's the green that goes all the way up to the rafters...

If you had asked my on monday morning which is easier moving a 12 foot in diamter 2000 lb water tank up hill by putting your shoulder to it with your husband (the tractor apparently was not suited for this job) OR moving the pasture for the goats I would have chosen the goats hands down... WRONG!!! once you have goats out grazing with no pen to catch them... it's pretty tough .. but not as hard as trying to catch a llama.. which is darn near impossible the woman who did sell him to me mentioned a holding pen to catch him... should have listened a little better... we did manage to coral the animals and get the hot fence moved but not after a LOT of DISCUSSION and several hours... jeeze that was exhausting ... we did also manage to role the water tank up to the barn and "store" it there for now till we can figure out how to get something that big 1/4 mile up a very steep hill... hummm : ) it was much bigger than I had anticipated ... it's 10,000 gallons.. .the hope is to hook up a solar pump from the spring (after we fix the cistern.. details details...) and pump up to the tank for a gravity system.... now the next time the power goes out we will have plenty of water...

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