I'm not sure where to begin so I'll just start with some of the first photos to come in ---
Thanks to my brother Joseph, Peter and Mike McCune for the nice shots!!

setting up the table

how many mac's do you count - the OSITF staff has a lot to coordinate when on the road!

The amazing Ned Lud Crew!!

Everyone is ready!!

The guests arrive from as far as Florida and DC in all kinds of vehicles!

'Chef' nice job Jason!!

the farm tour was a lot of fun to share!

the dinner was epic and the guests really got into the post meal farm work!!

the bus leaving the next day I look forward to some day seeing in my driveway again!

I rave so often here, it's hard to say this without just more ranting.
...Does it help if I tell you I'm crying and laughing all at once?
Does it get any more perfect than they hay moment? Could you two shine any more?? Look at the boys. Look at the beaming guests. wow.
I figured I'd have reason to say OMG. I didn't think I'd feel like whispering it, O M G...like a prayer. Thank you for all you do for the world.
sounds like fun! :)
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