A few weeks back before harvest ate my life I had the absolute pleasure to spend a day with the Van Dyke crew and plow with Duane's lead team! Thank you as always Duane - It was a truly great day beautiful weather and an amazing group of plowmen and women! Thanks Sara for the great photos!

In other farmie foodie news ... (and before you start to really think I've gone off the deep end these are NOT my cows!)

I've started getting raw milk from a wonderful place (and no I'm not adding a milk cow to BTF!!)- As a pasture based farmer at this point I think you know my standards for my food are pretty darn high! - I was pretty picky about finding cows who were on heavy pasture rotation with a diet of rich green pasture as much of the year as Oregon would support. And I was very happy when I found those cows! And the quality shows in the product!
These are grass fed cows - they are knee deep in grass for the full Oregon growing season which is at least 9 months. When the grass stops growing in winter they are happily kept out of the deep mud & fed grass and alfalfa hay. During the rest of the year they are on fresh grass at all times and moved every 24 hours to a fresh grass paddock, not returning to the same grass paddock for at least 3 weeks, which allows for natural sanitation of the pasture, thus insuring healthy cows & sanitary milk. Being on fresh grass every 24 hours also insures that they are eating the grass when it is fast-growing and at it's most nutritious. Just like my animals they receive no corn or soy.

These are grass fed cows - they are knee deep in grass for the full Oregon growing season which is at least 9 months. When the grass stops growing in winter they are happily kept out of the deep mud & fed grass and alfalfa hay. During the rest of the year they are on fresh grass at all times and moved every 24 hours to a fresh grass paddock, not returning to the same grass paddock for at least 3 weeks, which allows for natural sanitation of the pasture, thus insuring healthy cows & sanitary milk. Being on fresh grass every 24 hours also insures that they are eating the grass when it is fast-growing and at it's most nutritious. Just like my animals they receive no corn or soy.

Grassway Farm in New Holstein, WI does a great job providing raw milk all year long. It would be such a treat to try milk from Charlotte's gorgeous cows! Perhaps some day... I am convinced that the milk we drink, w/ deepest thanks to Mom & Pop, is what's been keeping me from catching all sorts of illnesses, working with sick patients every day! no kidding
We cannot drink raw milk in NC. Only the cats can. Is it different there?
Every state has different laws about raw milk. I don't suppose the cat would tell on you if you drank some of their milk.
Love the top shot of you with the boys - could be posted alongside some Hollywood women as "her other life". Very glam!
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