Today was a VERY fun day - Brian and I went to tree school that the OSU extension service put on - So first half of the day brian took classes on milling and mapping and I took a class called chainsawing for women - no we were NOT in bikinis boys!! we learned how to sharpen and maintain the saw as well as use it safely!! : ) oh boy that was very fun!! - the afternoon sessions Brian and I took together - a class on truffels which was awesome and then finished up the day learning a ton about water rights!! It was a great day!!! a super nice break from our busy lives - it was kind of like a date in a funny kind of way - and I got to learn a new skill - vrooom hukka hukkka watch out I'm gonna go cut some fire wood now!!
Cool....I went to Tree School a few years back and had a blast.
I'll need to talk to Brian about the mapping he learned...and get you out in our woods, Paul(ette) Bunyon-ing....
And you thought a paper form was sexy??
ha nice : )
you're looking all bad-ass logger chick there, clare. nice! when i first saw the picture before i read the post i thought it was going to be about breaking down a pig. glad I was wrong!
Clare - help: I have no email. Will be up again next week; switching servers. Please send emails to work for the time being. And, please forward the Michael email.
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