Howdy all!
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the final days of summer! We have had a great summer with lots happening, projects, events, etc and of course we have a new line up of a fall wines for you! And as always, I must thank you for your continued purchase and enjoyment of our wines and Clare’s art! As I have started saying, this is a symbiotic relationship, we can only be our creative selves with your support!
on the farm
First - Bob is back! I reported in my spring letter that Bob the cat had disappeared and we had given him up for dead - well the little furry fucker had somehow hitched a ride over to the Dundee Hills. He was hanging out with another family for about seven weeks - he left that house and went to another neighbor who posted him online and we knew immediately it was him. We happened to be close by at the Durant’s for Easter dinner. We quickly said goodbye and went to collect Bob and bring him home. He was a bit traumatized but quickly settled back into his old cute ways and now we keep a much closer eye on pick up trucks when they leave the farm. We also had him and Stanley chipped.

The rest of the animals on the farm are doing well. We had six calvies this spring and Red Fred just got put back in with the cows yesterday to start the process all over again. We had seven lambs in April, which was the new experience for us. We definitely have more to learn, but just getting started is the only way! Julius the ram will get turned in with his ladies mid October for mid March lambs. At the moment, he has his sidekick tiny Tim (a wether lamb from last year) and six goats to hang out with - eating blackberry and brush on the steeper parts of our place. Watching them eat still amazes me - from time to time I find myself watching them stretch and climbed to gobble all the leaves in reach and then scramble to keep up with their friends. Our batch of broilers did really well this year and are in the freezer for the next year’s meals and the laying flock is the smallest and oldest has been in a while. 14 that we Will keep through winter before they get replaced (soup!). We get enough eggs for the two of us but just barely. This years pigs are Laverne and Shirley as always live just outside the kitchen and reliably clean up all the kitchen scraps as along with apples and pears around the house.

Clare's horses continue to keep her smiling, and I continue to use their poop in my garden. I haven't had to fire up my Rototiller in quite a few years. I have been piling it over the beds, covering them and then planting directly into it after about three months.
Speaking of Clare I want to give her a shout out. She is amazing. You might ask did Brian do something? Is Brian in the doghouse? Not that I'm aware of! I often highlight someone's work at BTF in this letter - this time it's my wife's turn! In the broadest sense she does so many things - daily care of feeding of all the animals - sales and marketing for wine and art and farm products - manages Carlton - helps manage the home vineyard, and many of the projects at the farm. She is also my wife and business partner! She made a big trip to Norway this spring and came back with some amazing art. We are looking forward to seeing more of what she produces!

Since I mentioned projects, the sheep barn was finished just in time for lambing - thank you Larry! It looks great and I have been teased numerous times by different people about new buildings popping up every time they visit - no more are planned, but we broke ground on a pond several weeks ago - very exciting! We have been working on the permitting for about two years - so we are looking forward to seeing it fill this winter! We will be allowed to use the water to help get our baby vines going, which means I won't need to set up all the above ground swimming pools around the winery to catch rainwater that I've done for the last couple years. It should hold significantly more water than we will need to irrigate - so hopefully it will be nice for a dip on hot day or used in the event of a fire emergency. I wasn't a Boy Scout, but I like to be prepared!

Clare interjecting here- Brian (the guys who is allergic to bees) forgot to mention he helped me catch not 1 but 2 swarms of bees this spring so should be a good honey year! Also a big thanks to our local Gaston footballers and Josh and Riley for getting 1013 bales of hay and another 18 ton of alfalfa in the loft for winter! ok back to Brian …
The Wines!
I am currently in the midst of tasting and putting together the blends for 2023 - it's a tough job but somebody has to do it! I started early July in earnest, tasting over 200 barrels and making notes on each with chalk. I can do about 50 to 60 in three hours, generally 10am to 1. This is the best time to taste, when your senses are at the best. Each barrel gets tasted at least twice, but often many more times -as I try to put together the best blends possible. Of course all fruit was fermented with equal diligence in the fall and meticulously maintained throughout the winter and spring, but they are all different all with their own personalities and nuances that need to be considered. Concentrating and maintaining focused attention can be a challenge, so I also use my chalk to put my distracting thoughts on random barrels - to be collected later. I find that writing them down, allows me to continue to focus on the task at hand, but the resulting barrels throughout the winery are a hodgepodge of notes and a window into my little brain.

The ‘22s!
We had a cold snap in April that affected all vineyards, but some more than others and early on left us wondering what if any fruit would be like. Chardonnay breaks 2 to 3 weeks earlier so was more affected than Pinot and some vineyards were affected more than others, elevation aspect, and location all playing a role. Most vineyards had secondary buds that were undamaged to give us something to work with, and warm summer and warm and dry October gave us what we needed to make some amazing wines! Those from the vintage that we have already released have garnered praise and I hope the same for what we have to present to you today!
The Wines

2022 Yamhill Carlton Chardonnay - A blend comprised of fruit from Yates Conwill Vineyard and Quandary vineyard. Yates Conwill was dramatically affected by the frost, we only got about half the tonnage we normally get, but the quality was astounding. Quandary is a new Vineyard and new to us so present as fruity and fresh - pairing nicely with the power and depth of the Yates Conwill. As always - barrel fermented to dryness, ML complete and bottled without fining or filtration. We had the 2017 version of this wine at a wine dinner a week ago and I was impressed (and relieved!)
Blossoms from our fruit trees on the label (by clare!), 92 cases bottled, $48 a bottle – and yes – buy 6 or more and shipping is on the house!

2022 Eola Amity Chardonnay - Bieze Vineyard has been part of our Chardonnay program since first fruit in 2011 - we have been using the same rows and blocks since, and it is an important part of our Eola Amity blend - consistently delicious! It is blended with X Omni which we've also been working with since first fruit in 2016, and together they make a great representation of what the Eola Amity hills can produce for Chardonnay. The Van duzer corridor of wind cools the hills in the evening and the southern exposure makes for warm days and perfect ripeness and crispness together. I am fortunate to work with these two great vineyards and hope that you find the wine as delicious as we do!
Clare’s bees on the label, 92 cases bottled, $48 a bottle – and yes – buy 6 or more and shipping is on the house!

2022 Yamhill Carlton Pinot noir - in addition to the Chardonnay we buy from Yates Conwill, we also get Pinot Noir. The vineyard shares a fence line with Resonance so I know the area and the pothole filled, long driveway well! It is a warmer spot, so the rich ones blend nicely with a slightly cooler Coats and Whitney Vineyard, also in the Yamhill Carlton AVA, that has been part of our Pinot program since 2011. Together, I think they show the rich dark fruit and structure that the Yamhill Carlton is known for, and maybe someday our little vineyard here at BTF will be a part of this blend!
Hancox family barn on the label, 232 cases produced, $72 a bottle – and yes! 6 or more and we send sans shipping!

Cattrall brothers Vineyard Pinot noir - Wadensville clone planted in the 80s on its own roots, we have been working with Tom and Bill since 2009. This vineyard was definitely affected by the spring frost. We got half the normal amount of fruit, so there's significantly less of this wine to go around this year! We've always found this wine to be quite polarizing - people either LOVE it or prefer something else - only 70 cases produced, so if you fall into love at camp, don't wait! Of course their old truck on the label
$72 a bottle – and this one too! 6 or more qualifies for complimentary shipping!

Sunnyside Vineyard Pinot noir - A smaller crop but still reasonable - the warm October pushed this vineyard to as Luci described “the ripest she has ever seen”. Don't worry - it is still balanced - still Oregon pinot, but it's just a little more generous in the opulence department. I'm drinking some now as I scribble! Year in and year out this is a favorite – a crowd pleaser! I might need to pour myself some more!

Last but not least - the 2023 Pinot Gris barrels are tasting great, but yet to be bottled - August 26 is the scheduled date. Sam? Walter? Henry? My nephews have been helping bottle all our wine since the 2016 vintage, we had a box for Henry to stand on the first couple years, he is 16 now! also recently inducted to help are Clare’s nephew Owen and niece Kate. It has been super great to have all their help and watch them grow up, learn to work and for us to learn about their world. sorry, I digress - maybe too much sunny side! the Pinot Gris is grown by Brian O’donnell of Belle Ponte fame. We ferment it as we do the Pinot - throw it in a fermenter, stomp on it, and let it go! I taste it as it starts to ferment and when I think it is perfect then we drain and press it once it has picked up enough tannin. Always a great wine for seafood, approximately 125 cases to be bottled and like the 2023 laughing pig rose - always a harbinger of what to come next year!
Weeds on the label and happy to include the shipping on 6 or more- after we get it bottled of course!
One last thing Clare asked me to mention – we will be having an open house next April 12 here at the farm. This will be a celebration of Clare’s art and a release party for the spring wines and 2024 laughing pig rose! There might be some cute baby lambs too…`
Thank you again, we still pinch ourselves regularly! Cheers from our table to yours! Brian, clare and the team at big table farm!
Also a special thank you to the amazing team at Atelier Crenn in SF for hosting us to a bucket list winemaker dinner. Keep an eye on our IG account for all the events throughout the year! Aug 30th there are still a few seats left for the Pigs and Pinot event at the Allison Inn and Spa reach out for more info!
The easiest way to order wine -
If you're super busy - please let us help you order wine in whatever way is EASIEST for YOU! We are happy to assist. Call, email - We are available to make sure you get the wines you love! If you want to reach out please just send an email to or call or text Kathryn 503-457-5726 or Text Clare Directly! 503-922-3540 and we'll follow up with YOU and get your order. You can also Click here to go right to the buy wine page

Hopefully we will see you somewhere along the way, and of course we are happy to host you for a tasting.
Sept 5th and Nov 7th - Art walk - downtown Carlton 4-7pm we will be pouring wine and sharing clare’s work at the atelier
April 12th 2025! - Rose Earth/Queen release party and art show at the farm! 11 - 3pm
August 30th Pigs and Pinot in the garden at the Allison
Nov/Dec - Date to be announced late fall / winter art show at the farm featuring clare’s work from Norway
thanksgiving weekend – Saturday open house at the atelier in Carlton Oregon 11-3pm
social media
If you don't follow me on Instagram you might enjoy doing so. As development projects, harvest meals, animals all continue to happen on the farm, I will continue to post all farm happenings, recipes and what’s fermenting in the winery @bigtablefarm
ps - you can also follow new paintings @clarecarver and
As always, we are so grateful that we get to do what we do – thank you for continuing to buy, enjoy and share our work, both wine and art!
Thanks you and cheers! Brian and clare and the team at big table farm!
stacks of press
We have gotten a huge pile of great press this past year you can read all it it here - - but here are a few highlights.
Thank you to all the great wine reviewers for your work to help us share our wines!
23 Laughing Pig Rose - 94 pts Owen Bargreen / 93 pts - International Wine Report
22 Wild Bee - 94 pts - International Wine Report / 9-9.5 Vinography
22 Willamette Valley - 94 pts Wine Spectator / 95 pts - Paul Gregutt / 95 pts - International Wine report / 94 pts - Wine Enthusiast
22 Pelos Sandberg - 95 pts - Wine Spectator / 96 pts - International Wine Report / 95 pts - Owen Bargreen
22 Earth - 97 pts Editors choice - International Wine Report / 96 pts - Owen Bargreen / 94 pts Jeb Dunnuck / 94 pts Vinous
22 Elusive Queen - 95 pts Owen Bargreen / 9-9.5 Vinography / 93 pts Jeb Dunnuck / 94 pts Vinous
2021 Rocks Syrah - 96 pts — Owen Bargreen / 95 pts, Editor's Choice — Wine Enthusiast / 96 pts — International Wine Report / 94+ pts — Vinous
We are continuing to do our best to see each day as an opportunity to make art, take care of the land and enjoy life. Thank you so much for buying, drinking and sharing our wines. We are humbled and honored to be part of your daily meals and celebrations alike!

Cheers - Clare and Brian and the whole big table team - Kathryn, Laura, Josh, Riley, Rachel and Sam ….. and Levi too