(Duane and his beautiful team - photo thanks to jess)
This Saturday come see some horse plowing in McMinnville!
Saturday, April 9, at the Yamhill Valley Heritage Center - from 10:30am – 3:00 pm, with a parade of teams at 2:00 pm. Cost is $3 per person, free for kids 12 and under. 11275 SW Durham Ln., (corner of Hwy 18 and Durham Ln.), just west of McMinnville. www.yamhillcountyhistory.org Bring the family and come on out!
(thanks for the photo jess)So Saturday I took my boys over to duane's house to get ready for this coming weekend and try out my new plow - and let's just say I felt far less than ready for lots of reasons that would take way to long to explain here ... but we'll just have a go at it and just have fun -- so this coming Saturday I'll be at the Yamhill County History Museum with about 18 other teams in a plowing competition. In addition to watching the draft horses work the ground, there will be sawmill, blacksmith and horseshoeing demonstrations, pioneer kids’ activities, music, food and lots of old tractors on display... should be a very fun day

in the mean time around the farm it sure is looking like spring.. the grass is going bananas! Freddie is doing well and the daffodils are out in full force - which is so very nice...

Last but not least my washer stopped working last week right after we got home (when of course I had lots of laundry to do) and my handy husband took a look at it for me and found the culprit all these things where lodged int he drain... uhhh mummm -- well ... I guess I need to be better about emptying pockets before i chuck things in..

thankfully it's back up and running... so most items where easily identified but there was one that was a bit of a mystery I'm pretty sure I figured out what it is and I even think I know who owns it ...
but I'd like to make a bit of a game out of it with the winner getting a bottle of Big Table Farm wine - so your job is to identify the object below in the comments ...
(hint --you can see the scale of it above it's in the upper top left side of the plate)