Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Fall library Release

Howdy all good people from big table farm!

I hope you are doing well  - we are doing great here and wondering “where did the summer go?”  projects galore, new animals  - both babies and species – sheep! And of course the wines – one new one and lots of library! Vince, josh and I are busy in the winery getting ready to bottle the 21’s and then readying for 22!  Clare and her team laura and anna are also busy, hosting appointments at the atelier in carlton and continuing to send you the wines you graciously keep ordering

Clare and I are amazed and thankful for all the good fortune we have had.  When we moved to Oregon in 2006 and started a new life at what we named big table farm,  we did not imagine we would create something that would take on a life of its own – that others would want to be part of what we do – whether it is making wine, art or food – and that more others would appreciate and support us in our endeavors – thank you to all!

The projects – there are many small but the two most important are clare’s studio and the vineyard.  Clare has dreamed of a studio probably longer than she dreamed of horses.  She has been painting since she was little girl, painting professionally when I first met her in 1999 and has continued to do so since – at some points more prolifically than others as time, space and creative energy allowed.  Clare took advantage of the early days of the pandemic and our recently opened and then shuttered building in carlton, to produce an astounding amount of art – and all of it is sold!  It became clear as things reopened that the space she had to herself needed to be returned to its original purpose - our wine business and hosting.  The need for a dedicated studio space was clear.  So she has planned plotted schemed for the last year and a half – and after a wet spring we finally broke ground in may!  The structure is taking shape now – and soon clare will have a marvelous spot to call her own, to settle into and let her creative energy flow!  I am confident we will see more amazing painting in the near future!

We also planted another 2 acres of pinot noir this spring and the vines are doing great – thanks to the wet spring and the great energy that came with them – luci and tom of sunnyside vineyard allowed us to take cuttings from their heritage vines (planted 1970). Luci likes to refer to our planting as “sunnyside north” so far so good!  We added water infrastructure and irrigation this summer, I collected rainwater last winter in any vessel I could find – including an above ground swimming pool! So now we can give all the baby vines a drink in the dry days of summer to help them get started.  Additionally, the trellis went in but with a slightly different twist – we have moved the fruiting wire and vine structure up a little higher than most modern plantings – why? – sheep!  We want to use these graziers to mow under the vines and vine rows instead of a tractor – hopefully utilizing less fuel, creating another product from the same ground (lamb chops!) and of course putting nutrients and microbiology back into the soil to make the best wine we can! We are really excited about the sheep.  We bought just 10 to get started, 8 ewes for breeding and 2 wethers for tasting!  We obviously have had cows and goats for quite awhile so we are equipped, but still have a lot to learn about these new (to us) animals.  We put them in the vineyard immediately and so far they have done a great job on the pieces we have given them.  We need and envision more so we can take care of the entire vineyard, but all good things with time!

The rest of the animals are doing great too – clementine is an OLD lady but still bossy – levi is also deaf now but otherwise doing great.  bob the cat and his buddy stanley help keep the mice in check and horses hummer and huston still stink but make the wife happy!  Red fred the bull just got turned back in with his ladies, so he is happy and his calvies (5) from last year are all doing great! 6 kid goats arrived again this spring and continue to thrive on blackberry and keep fence lines clean by browsing what the graziers (cows, sheep) turn their noses up at.  The goats are damn cute and are super entertaining (and tasty) but now have competition from the sheep in the adorable department – they have been knocked off their pedestal and seem confused about having to share the attention!  We have been much more diligent about moving the chicken bus of late, and keeping their fence hot, so we have had lots of eggs and no predation.  The broilers did great again this year and are in the freezer for deliciousness in the coming year!  And last but not least – jeremy from cascade meadow farm brought us two more adorable weaners this spring.  He does a great job breeding his American Guinee hogs and has been our source for many years now.  They are growing fast and love the scraps from the kitchen and the wind fall fruit from the pear and apple trees that they live under.  You would think that with all this food clare and I would be large as houses, but we sell beef once a year and share much with friends, employees and the rest of the people who helps make it all happen.  we are so lucky and say thanks to that every day!

The wine!

For 2020 we made just our Willamette valley blends – incorporating all the goodness from our barrel selects and vineyard designates into them.  They are delicious and some still available – but that has left us to get creative as to what else to offer you this fall, besides the 2021 pinot gris – racked and ready to bottle end of week.  As soon as we get labels on it we will start sending it out.  clare, laura and anna (and Sam) have worked really hard to organize our library wines in anticipation of this very moment!  Seeing the list of all that is available brings back so many memories for me.  It is truly amazing to me that we are 16 years into this endeavor – and we have the wine to prove it! I hope you enjoy them as much as I will!

Thank you again to all of you who buy and enjoy our wine – we depend on your enthusiasms to make this whole thing fly.  Clare and I are so appreciative we get to be our creative selves and live by it too. from our table to yours, cheers!  Brian and Clare

Complimentary Fall ground shipping (on 6 bottles or more) Click here to go right to the buy wine page

big table library release!

This year, for the first time ever, we are releasing past vintages from our library in 6 and 12 bottle packs curated by Clare. To see the library wines she’s selected, visit the ‘buy now’ page or see the descriptions at the bottom of this page. Please keep in mind – these packs and the wines in them are few in number and likely to go quickly. If a wine sells out, we may have to switch it for another vintage or label – we’ll reach out to you if a bottle in your pack purchase becomes no longer available.

If you have any questions about library wines or vintage characteristics - or would like to build your own special case - don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone or email. We are so excited to share these rare and beautiful wines with you!

 Cheers!! and thank you ALL! Clare and Brian

** a note on ordering wine - If you're super busy - please let us help you order wine in whatever way is EASIEST for YOU! We are happy to assist. Call, email - We are available to make sure you get the wines you love! If you want to reach out please just send an email to admin@bigtablefarm.com or call 503-852-3097 or Text Clare Directly! 503-922-3540 and we'll follow up with YOU and get your order. You can also Click here to go right to the buy wine page

If you don't follow me on Instagram you might enjoy doing so - I'll be posting my recipes from harvest meals along with pictures of the farm and winery during this vibrant time of year.  @bigtablefarm 

Take care of yourself and your neighbors and share that bottle you've been saving!

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