Wednesday, April 30, 2014

tiffany's good advice

-- to all the do'ers out there... I'm learning --- that sometimes trusting, being and waiting is really good to do... Tiffany the third member of the big table farm team went on a vacation two weeks ago and right before she left she provided a shoulder to me as well as some excellent advice... she said (to paraphrase) that sometimes doing nothing is OK.. Tiffany knows Brian and I quite well at this point and in a sense gave me permission to take a step back... we've had a ton of upheaval with the winery project the last few weeks and it has been quite a roller coaster givin' all the work, support, heart and soul put in to date!  I'm holding a space of great hope and trust in my partner right now... I'm  taking this time to wait (and lick my wounds a bit) ..  I'm waiting for the dust to settle and the path to become clear.... to use my brothers boating quote when it's foggy SLOW down and announce your position... - thank  you Tiffany we look forward to having you back - you were missed...

1 comment:

Cecelia (CC) said...

you walk with giants, brave one.