Tuesday, October 16, 2012

some beautiful shots

Some beautiful shots by our friend jeremy from the magic evening I wrote about - he is the guy that did the AMAZING video right over there (on the right hand bar) if you havent' seen it...
Also this is a link to some of his other work - it's totally inspiring http://www.jeremyfenske.com/


xyz said...

Love. Great people around you = great life. Jeremy's work? Also truly inspired.

Cecelia (CC) said...

love the last one.

chicken neck...ewwwww

Anonymous said...

You are in the middle of what we were 2 wks ago! Hang in there sistah! Joseph's wood box is full to the brim with pum de terre's and sawdust, and the T-10 box is ready to receive carrots buried in sawdust this weekend. The beets will wait fer now! hugs Bee

Anonymous said...

hmmm - does leaving the neck in when you cook the chicken improve the flavor? What's the reasoning behind this Clare? Curious Bee

Kathleen Bauer said...

Love Jeremy's photos and so glad to have met him during sorting. Great guy!