I also took my chart (as dorky as I'm sure they thought I was) to my very first Oregon Draft Horse Breeders’ Association meeting at Duane's house last Sunday... I figured a bunch of horse farmers better know their grass.. They where great sports in helping to fill out my ID chart although there seemed to be some disagreement on a few of them ...
I do love learning all about this place and learning from my friends and neighbors around me... I also was loaned a book from our friends the Boyers called Weeds of the West it's a GREAT book super for id'ing plants I've ID's a vast number of "weeds" or shall I say wild plants on my place with that book it's just super... (they may not see it for a while : ) ...I'm like a geeky birder (forgive me kate) but with weeds... My friend Wendy pointed out Poison hemlock to me the other day and we discussed best way to buy bulk vinegar for suppression....and I recently learned I have creeping buttercup in my front yard which is pretty but toxic to cows --who knew those little cuties where bad little guys.. so if any of you reading this know your weeds and grasses and you want a nice dinner for some consulting consider your self well feed : )ok back to work... big love from big table
VERY impressive!!
And only you could take a bunch of weeds and tape and paper and turn out something that looks like art. Seriously, you could sell that thing (once you get them all ID'ed that is. :-) )
Creeping buttercup? Sounds more like a wedgie than a weed.
LOL - this Johnny is why I love you so!
Ha ha ha - when my kids were learning the multiplication tables, I made a chart (newsprint, free way back then) of each set (x2, x3, x4, etc.), then taped it on the wall across from the toilet - and said no more reading in the bathroom. It worked - and I discoverd how magic 9's are! Great logic on the weeds, Clare, and it is a work of art! Lois
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