My Friends Courtney and Britney fed all the animals and held down the fort at Big Table.. thanks ladies!!
So on our way down to CA we got a call from The Tasting Room in Carlton they said that they had heard about out rose and wanted to try it!! whooo hooo! so on Tuesday I took in some wine for them to try... so now our wine is available and being poured at The Tasting room in Carlton - Thank You Sara and Jay! it's very exciting!!

A few of you asked about the rose and how to buy some.. for those in Oregon it's now officially for sale and I can deliver it to you if you live close by. We are selling it in 6 bottle allocations only right now and it's $22 a bottle. If you live in CA wine can be shipped to you in the fall as it's just to risky to ship wine in the summer... you can e-mail me at for an order form. I also did leave two cases with our friends Kim and Scott in Napa as there was some immediate interest from a few of you... so if any of you Napa, Marin SF folks MUST have some NOW there's enough for 4 people/orders up in napa ... and that will be first come first serve and you'll have to pick it up.. here are the notes from the tasting sheet I wrote up for the retailer.. Thank you for all your enthusiasm and support as we stick our toes into the water... Cheers!
Laughing Pig Rose – Big Table Farm
Johan Vineyard
13.0% Alcohol
3.4 pH
unfined and unfiltered
95 Cases Produced
This Rose separates itself from most by being barrel fermented to dryness with maloatic fermentation completed by mid May. The wine was then blended and bottled on June 14th.
Big Table Farm is a team effort of Clare Carver and Brian Marcy is the name of our wine and is also our working farm. Brain Marcy is our winemaker. In 1996 Brian worked his first harvest at
there will be more info coming very soon on our web site