It's a Massy Fergeson 45 Hp with a front loader and a scraper
we bought it used from great guy close by he's re-built it from the ground up and we felt really good about the tractor and the price! Now all we need is ... a disc, tiller, post pounder, wood chipper, wood splitter and fork attachments ... humm : ) just the beginning...
here she is...

woo hoo!!! now it's a real farm. :-)
congratulations - I know you both were really wanting to get this purchase DONE.
love the shot of Clementine riding the tractor.
does the tractor have a name yet?
how about maggie the massy ???...
A big black guard llama and a shiny red tractor. You guys sure make "roughing it" fun. Thanks for taking time out from planting and fencing to finish my damn label.
thanks for sharing in all the celebration !! : ) big smiles here ...
Wow!BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL Tractor - was actually thinking "Martha" or "Messy Massey" when I saw the pics.You guys are really doing it!Love Edward and the goats!Your smiles tell volumes! Hope you got the label done! Congrats to you both;you sure aren't letting any grass grow under those feet that's for sure.Keep going! Loads & Loads of love Bee
thanks BEE : )
so re- tractor names brian is saying fergie... hummm more on that soon
For my money, I would have gone with the McCormick-Farmall. It would also be tempting to buy a John Deere, because as they say, nothin' runs like a Deere. I actually have a tractor story. Shocking, but the following is true. One time I played a softball tournament in Ivanhoe, Minnesota. A town so small that only main street was paved. They hosted a big town festival called the Polska Kilbasa Days. We'd camp in the main park and play softball the entire weekend. Of course we'd get rip roaring drunk as well. About 8am, they'd fire up the tractors and have an old fashioned yeehaw tractor pull right through the park. Great for the hangover. Anyway, all the farmers would bring in their fanciest tractors from the field and have a go pulling this big sled behind them. We'd watch from the comfort of our sleeping bags wishing it would all just stop. "For the love of god, please just stop. My head is splitting over here," would rattle through my brain each time some guy in his Sunday Best overalls would run down the course. I never saw who won but the highlight was clearly when the Polska Kilbasa queen herself clad only in a bikini and requisite sash took her turn. Oh the "redneck" in me stood up to watch that good old country fun, for sure.
John Mundelius
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