Hi All I've been way behind the 8-ball with posting I'm sorry I'll get that camera in my pocket again and get you some nice farm photos and more news of what's going on at big table! - I've been catching up big time on all kind of things. Brian and I had a VERY quiet holiday which was sooo welcome - 2011 was a good year looking back but whew it was full... here's snap shot ...

I've also been in the studio here's a new painting just finished tonight the photo could be better it's a bigger painting on canvas and is for a show I'm doing in a few short weeks as part of the
Oregon Truffle Festival - I'm the featured artist - Which is VERY nice : ) thanks OTF!!

In Farm news my niece Eliza is visiting which has been lovely she's been working on her art and helping around the farm as well.

And just when I was running low on chicken food - we received a wonderful farm gift from our friends at Ayers Creek of about 700lbs of organic squash which are being enjoyed by the chickens and some as a treat for the cows!! yup who knew?! cows LOVE squash...
(just some of the loot)
and thanks to a very dry winter to date - the boys are still working there way around the lower pasture.. which normally this time of year is far too wet for use - it's quite a luxury to not have to slog up that hill quite yet .... So all in all things are rolling along - I'll be posting more info on the truffle festival in a few days I'm just getting my web site up to date with all the new paintings and then will be doing an official show announcement : ) - in the mean time hope you day hold some peaceful moments - cheers! Clare

I leave you with a photo of curley the bull who had his sex-cation at big table farm this summer/fall - we are crossing our fingers that he got all four girls knocked up for the up coming spring calving season... : ) which will bring our heard up to 12 bovine!!