a super nice post by Alexis! :) to go with Jeremy's exquisite photos below
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
more beautiful photos
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Some photos from the James Beard Dinner

I just received some beautiful photos from the James beard dinner .. just had to share!! still remembering that meal with a huge smile !!! nice work chris!

also as a extra bonus I have an art show at the james beard house which is still up ! : )

'Life on the Farm in Willamette Valley'
and a write up on the JB blog here! : )Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday Morning
I went to church this morning
I put on my Sunday best and laced up my shoes
I walked down the sloping hill to the entrance
As my feet hit the soft earth the rhythm of my prayer began
My first intentions of love and gratitude went to my community
Fellow farmers, winemakers, chefs, eaters, artists and lovers
As this community surrounded me, the rain started in a chorus of affirmation
The soft road curled in front of me, my steady breath grounded me in the gratitude for my own farm
The cows quiet company, the horses patiently and intensely sharing and giving
the chickens in there daily symphony and gifts, and those raucous pigs.
I turned half way and headed back like mass this was a duration that seemed to match stamina
Heading back to home I think of family of my father in mexico fighting cancer
I think of my community of siblings all of us holding him close.
All I have pours out back up the driveway like the last hymn at the recessional when you dig deep and belt out the final chorus
The finish is here on my porch where I can sit and enjoy this Sunday morning with deep peace and gratitude watching the soft rain
I put on my Sunday best and laced up my shoes
I walked down the sloping hill to the entrance
As my feet hit the soft earth the rhythm of my prayer began
My first intentions of love and gratitude went to my community
Fellow farmers, winemakers, chefs, eaters, artists and lovers
As this community surrounded me, the rain started in a chorus of affirmation
The soft road curled in front of me, my steady breath grounded me in the gratitude for my own farm
The cows quiet company, the horses patiently and intensely sharing and giving
the chickens in there daily symphony and gifts, and those raucous pigs.
I turned half way and headed back like mass this was a duration that seemed to match stamina
Heading back to home I think of family of my father in mexico fighting cancer
I think of my community of siblings all of us holding him close.
All I have pours out back up the driveway like the last hymn at the recessional when you dig deep and belt out the final chorus
The finish is here on my porch where I can sit and enjoy this Sunday morning with deep peace and gratitude watching the soft rain
Thursday, July 7, 2011
work and reward

Right on the heels of the big event we have 17 tons give or take a few bales of hay to bring in (7 from our field and 10 from the neighbors). This means driving around a field strewn with bales picking them up loading them into the truck driving to the barn stacking them and then going back and doing it again and again and again : ). The bales are not too heavy about 65lbs each so that's about 30 odd bales to the ton. We did the work over the course of a few days and had help from our neighbor Joe and two friends Johnathan and Andrea - Thanks guys - as usual our community came out of the woodwork to help keep the farm going.


It's a great feeling to have the winter hay in the barn.
As a bit of a reward -- yesterday evening I went out to enjoy the beautiful evening light and look at the garden and visit with my man a bit who was also enjoying his evening in the garden ... we chatted walked around and actually slowed down and enjoyed the farm... Then we then had an impromptu diner on the new fire pit built by the OSITF crew ... We enjoyed one of our chickens and some much needed gin and tonics!! it really was perfect celebration of all the work of the last few weeks and a bit of re-kindling of our friendship, partnership and love ... as my friend maia says ..enjoying the life we are working so hard to build... : ) cheers to the moments we can just sit and relish in summer.

brian's beans popping up : )

Monday, July 4, 2011
the first photos from 'the event of the year!'
We and our farmer friends grew it and fermented it - the amazing Outstanding in the field folks organized and built it ned lud prepped chopped and served it up!! What a meal!! What a community!
I'm not sure where to begin so I'll just start with some of the first photos to come in ---
Thanks to my brother Joseph, Peter and Mike McCune for the nice shots!!

setting up the table

how many mac's do you count - the OSITF staff has a lot to coordinate when on the road!

The amazing Ned Lud Crew!!

Everyone is ready!!

The guests arrive from as far as Florida and DC in all kinds of vehicles!

'Chef' nice job Jason!!

the farm tour was a lot of fun to share!

the dinner was epic and the guests really got into the post meal farm work!!

the bus leaving the next day I look forward to some day seeing in my driveway again!
I'm not sure where to begin so I'll just start with some of the first photos to come in ---
Thanks to my brother Joseph, Peter and Mike McCune for the nice shots!!

setting up the table

how many mac's do you count - the OSITF staff has a lot to coordinate when on the road!

The amazing Ned Lud Crew!!

Everyone is ready!!

The guests arrive from as far as Florida and DC in all kinds of vehicles!

'Chef' nice job Jason!!

the farm tour was a lot of fun to share!

the dinner was epic and the guests really got into the post meal farm work!!

the bus leaving the next day I look forward to some day seeing in my driveway again!

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