Sometimes yes there are 'crappy' projects with very little blog glamor.. so just in case you started to think I only post happy pretty stuff.... we have been very busy the last few weeks digging a new septic system.
We rented 'digger' and a lazer level and bought a tank, dropboxes, lines etc etc... we have plotted out, drawn up, secured permits and approvals .... and we are still married!!... Our old system was fine but to do the wine tastings, dinners etc here at the farm the county has asked us to install a brand new bigger, better, faster one.. ok maybe not faster... anywhooo I had no idea the amount of work and rental eqipment necessary.. but we seem to be making major progress despite some bumps in the road with old clay tile and hillside and other issues... we've saved our selves many thousands of dollars and have more usless knowledge ok maybe not totally usless I liked learning to drive the 'digger'...

brian got the hole prepped - and michelle helped him do some finishing work on her visit friday... and then monday we got our tank!

The plan was to dig the lines over the weekend but sadly we hit old drain tile and needed the county to come back out... so we reassiged ourselves to another project to make best use the equipment we where renting... so we dug a bunch of drainage around the barn and garden to help mitigate some of the huge amount of water that comes off our hillside and tends to give us was more water that we want in the wet months...

whew -- still a bunch to do but all good infrastructure work that I know will pay off long term!!