A few months ago IPNC invited us to be a host winery for the lunch tour for a group of the IPNC guests - we were thrilled and honored and sworn to secrecy. Which for those who know me KILLED me!!! So for the last month or so Brian and I have been working our tails off to get the farm ready for this super special event and I couldn't say a peep about it. I was a VERY good girl. The event of the year here at Big Table Farm and I zipped it... so NOW I can give you the blow by blow... First off a giant shout out to Ned Ludd the guest Chefs who also did a very good job keeping a secret thank you very much ... : ) all in all a PERFECT day!

This all started with me sitting in the IPNC office of Whintey chatting about the crazy possibility of doing this ... and that she had a few chefs she was looking at for the event and in the mix was Jason French and Ben Meyers the chefs and owners of Ned Ludd - at which point I said well we've done outstanding in the field farm diner with Jason he's been to our farm and used the big table farm smoker tons and butchered meat at the farm . etc etc... he'd be PERFECT!! so 'done'.. then Kevin Chambers of Resonance Vineyard came up as you know we dont' have vineyard and we buy some of our fruit from Kevin so first stop for the guests was visit the resonance vineyard with Kevin as the host on the bus bringing the guests to our farm.
a little back story - we met Jason and Ben (ned ludd as well as David Padberg (chef at Park Kitchen) through our friend John G who is so frigging enthusiastic about all things food and wine he's an x-chef gone wine maker and just a super individual! John decided if Jason was cooking at big table he'd fly up for that and Dave Padberg knew he's be harassed for a long time if he didn't show so ... soon we had 4 of the most fun talented chefs I know all at my farm starting Friday evening through Sunday .. I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet! These guys all spun some serious food magic for the guest Sat.. here's the menu...

hello summer berry soup with the Laughing pig Rose!!! 'epic'

a lot of talent in one place people!!!
So the guest arrived to the barn first which was lookin' fine : ) thanks to Brian! there we welcomed them and Brian ran the blending seminar which was lovely!

photo: CJ French

photo: CJ French

photo: CJ French

photo: CJ French
for once I wasn't doing the talking...

photo: CJ French
Our Dear Friend Matt was one of the two Maitres d'hotel - thank you matt for keeping everything flowing!!!

photo: Ron Zimmerman - The Herb Farm
Padberg improvised a prep station next to the barn on the horse cart : ) NICE...

photo: Ron Zimmerman - The Herb Farm
the Big Table Farm Chicken Salad with Big Table Farm eggs on Butter Lettuce

photo: CJ French
Just way too much beauty!

photo: CJ French
Chef Jason - enjoying his BTF Pinot

photo: CJ French
it's a shame non of these guys like each other!

This is the Lovely Megan who was also a Maitres d'Hotel and Katherine Cole who was one of our judges from the blending seminar - nice work ladies!

here's a few shots of few of the things getting done before - Brian called the napkins on the line the Big Table Farm version of prayer flags : )

The flowers that graced our table were from the farm

photo: CJ French

the morning of the event
and these shots are after the guest has been wine dined and sent off happy...

ned ludd was here

photo: CJ French
chicken kp crew

photo: CJ French

the dog looks like I felt!
Special thanks to all the IPNC volunteers as well as CJ and Angie for the last minnute table setting save!! xx c