No wonder I can't loose any weight... : ) Our good friend John "chef gone wine dude" came to visit for a few days it was just super to see him and we had a pretty freggin amazing meal in Portland at Park Kitchen ... thanks David! the an AMAZING chef there and good friend of John's who treated us like royalty .... this was followed by some wood splitting to burn off some calories

and then a great meal cooked by a Brian and John collaboration in the kitchen thus putting the calories right back on... Brian whipped up a indoor grill insert (you know the usual...went to his shop did a quick design build and weld job!) and thus made the pork chops on the wood stove (which was filled with fruit wood) pretty darn tasty!

and John made us lentils with chanterelles ummm thanks guys!!...
This very nice visit was followed up with a wonderful Big Table dinner a few nights later.

The Ham Brian brined and smoked was from the most recent "late girls" and lived up to expectations... the lentils from John's visit where re-purposed into a lentil soup.. yum with a last minute genius garnish by matt.. I love foodie friends...

Thanks to all that came and shared... and I'm sorry about the pounding heads on Saturday morning... at least you all ended up with all your fingers especially after the 2 am fireworks and 3 am gator rides... good times as Rob would say ... : )

(I don't think this is how you're supposed to light it)

these three are TROUBLE!!!
Thanks to Matt the next morning we soaked our hangovers in maple syrup on some killer french toast made from the beautiful bread he brought... I learned french toast is called Pain Perdu ... : ) in france and is really a left over peasant meal... I'll take a peasant meal any time like this... : )

we later then got to go visit the newest baby horse in the canyon at only 6 hours old!!! congrats Monique