Now for those of you who know Brian when he makes something, it's good.
I mean this is the man who can rewire a house, weld a chicken bus, build table for a dinner only hours before guests arrive and invent just about anything he puts his mind to.
So while "I made you something for your birthday" would make some women cringe it got me very excited : ) ... I said "really what did you make??? ... dramatic pause here... and Brian proudly announces "a shit shoveler for the chicken bus"... a second very long pause... clare "hummm ... for my birthday???" Brian "yes it's great your gonna love it" .... clare "hummm" ....

I will admit I have used the "shit shoveler" and yes it works beautifully, and is very functional, and of course fits the chicken boxes perfectly with nice long handles on both. There's a little scraper thing and then a custom sized little shovel as well... it makes keeping the poop out of the nesting boxes a snap and keeps our chickens and eggs super clean.
So this begs the question in this age of consumerism and the holidaze. What makes the perfect gift?
-something thoughtful
-something useful
-something unique
-something that will improve the quality of the receivers life
-something hand made with love
I'd say my gift does meet all these criteria... I know I'm a very luck y woman and my husband is one of a kind.. but a "SHIT SHOVELER!!??" really now how about flowers and a nice dinner out how about getting dressed up and going out on the town? I hate to be cliche but jewelry is always nice... sigh... I do love my husband and hell he is in the midst of refurbishing and old redwood tub we salvaged ... so I really can't complain (too much)... so here's to re-kindling some of our farm style romance when he get's that hot tub fired up!

till then love the one your with... c