I took some time this morning with the goats it's really relaxing to just hang out with them ..I needed it ....

soo I'm kind of avoiding the elephant in the room by posting goat photos... as I haden't gotten the gumption to write about chief yet but here goes... I have been spending a lot of time nursing mr. chief the last few days. Chief and I had another accident in harness on Thursday and it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.. I was not hurt but He got pretty banged up while running off in full harness with a single tree attached...he's on stall rest and is doing really well considering. His stall rest is because he fell on his knees so he's in big old bandages and on lots of meds. He's doing really well considering getting lots of shots and being in his stall full time for now. He's been really good about it all... I did tell him I know EXACTLY how he feels... He is getting lavished with love and attention and treats.
My Neighbor Monique has been a goddess she stood by my side for nearly 4 hours when the vet came right after and then has come down every day to hold chief and generally hold my hand while I administer meds (via needle) chief's not so happy about that... wrap his knees etc etc... it's been quite the experience for both Chief and I. This is her farm site
So given the number of "incidents" that chief and I have now had in trying to train him ... I have come to the realization/conclusion that we all have our limitations and no one needs to get hurt any more... so better late than never I have finally decided that I'm not the one to train chief and now with so much under our collective bridge I will not be able to "work" him either ... not sure if this means I will sell him that's a tough call and if so would only be to a perfect home... but he will for now just recover and then we'll cross that bridge when we get there... he's so nice to have around he may just be my big 1300 lb dog ... so it's sad and pretty hard to admit/ come to grips with as I had such big plans for he and I but I know in my heart it's the right decision now. And by the collective sigh of relief by Brian and friends and family I feel pretty affirmed in the decision.

I love this shot they look soo snuggly.. it's kind of how I feel after having been treated so kindly by, my neighbor Monique in such a big way ...and also my new friend Duane who took the time to talk to me about chief and have a glass of wine today.. now that guy knows how to have relax. Also my Vet Theresa for her great care! and Porter thanks for the pep talk glad that my decision makes me smarter than Bush : ) aka I know when to "change course"