Today there was a new (to him) truck belonging to Will on the farm I'll have to say it looks pretty sweet from the inside out... and many thanks to Will's Uncle Joseph for the assistance in driving around finding this one!
Mary and Eoin are also visiting it'sbeen a very nice visit.

We all got inspired this afternoon by the fresh peas in the garden, eggs from the girls and of course brians homemade panchetta ... we made homemade pasta carbonara... wow was it nice and tons of fun... Brian would have been proud! (he's out of town)

Speaking of Brian he's down in Napa picking up our newsest addition to the farm a 50's John Deere Crawler... (which we found last week on our visit) Brian and I are excited to have something to use on the hills that will be a bit safer than maggie the massy... maggie will be our work horse but this crawler should help us with the hill work...