There are lots of sites around here that are let's just say "unconventionally-pretty" to look at.. I guess it is true beauty is in the eye of the beholden : )
One is the sight is of my husband actually diggin on my horse and vic-a-versa... : ) ...

another view that makes me VERY happy is our garden as it goes in ...
As I write this Brian is putting finishing touches on the new garden fence (photos of that coming soon : ) ... we used the new tiller and tilled our compost pile into the new site (although not fully mature it's a start) I got the potatoes in yesterday and hoping to get the rest of my little plant'lings in by the end of this week we'll see it's ambitious...

I did move the plants outside a week or so ago for "hardening off" mostly because I was anxious to get my studio back so we cobbled together a little make shift green house.. (ok not so pretty but oh so functional: ) we did have some loss as I did rush the the starts out a bit ... but we still have the makings of a substantial garden...

The other pretty picture is the two girls out on grass... our pigs are now on pasture full time which is really fun to see and they are as happy as... "pigs on pasture" : )

We also hooked up the chicken bus as it's now been dubbed by carla chambers : ) for it's first rotation around the farm it follows chief's last pasture rotation in order to scratch up and spread out his "left overs" it's been fun to start things moving into a cycle...

In other news we did a bit of tractor implement shopping ... our new acquisitions include
1. a new water tank which Brian retro-welded a trailer for so I don't have to schlep water a couple hundred yards every day.. yeahhh

2. a tiller 64" : ) because size matters
3. a honkin big mower that's 6 foot : ) should "throw down and take names" of scotch broom or so I hope...

4. fork lift attachments for the front loader for Brian's new firewood system...
So now that I've successfully emptied my bank account ...I'm going to go back to work now... to the sound of
two dogs snoring in my office.. : )
lulu aka legs she's a tall one : )