There is a dog that has been "surviving" across the street with some pretty neglectful parents since we moved in... this very sweet lab is only 10 months old but has lived her life being tied up outside with little or no attention given to her. Her daily mournful cries have been tugging my heart for months ... I've gone over and untangled her when she managed to wrap her self around a tree and couldn't get under cover or get to water just sitting out in the rain waiting for her owners to come home (which sometimes wasn't at all) and yell at her for what being excited to see them.... I knew I had to figure out some way to help this dog.... finally the opportunity came .. this dogs owners are moving and asked me if I wanted the dog... since I've been wishing I could "steal" this dog from them since December this was a wish answered. The owner said otherwise they'd take her to the pound or "leave her" behind tied up and just come back and feed her every few days! (this was amazing to me)... so Brian and I have taken the dog and are fostering her for a few weeks and then I'm happy to say that Kate the great has decided to make room in her life for this beautiful dog .. So we've "taken ownership"... When They brought me the dog she was of course in heat! yipes so off to the vet asap to see about how and when we can get her fixed get all her vaccines a dog collar etc etc... I'm incredibly grateful to Kate once again.. I know this dog will have an amazing life now : ) I will admit two dogs is a whole new ball of wax... I'm hoping they both settle in ...
her new name will be tallulah (lulu) : )